Personal Injury Lawyers in Washington DC

Personal injury due to the negligence of another person, company, or organization can have a devastating effect on the lives of individuals and their families. With the representation of an experienced personal injury lawyer in Washington, D.C., you can determine whether you have a viable case and pursue the compensation you deserve for your medical expenses, emotional distress, and time lost from work. Sandra Robinson can take on your case in Washington, D.C. or Maryland with years of experience in personal injury law to assist you.

What Are the Different Types of Personal Injury Cases?

There are many different types of personal injury cases; those that are most common involve transit accidents and slip and fall injuries. These accidents are often related to the negligence of other parties, who should be held accountable for the injuries caused.

  • Transit Accidents – Personal injury cases may arise from car accidents as well as truck, motorcycle, bus and Metro accidents. If another party is found liable in a transit accident that has caused you injuries, our team can help you determine what type of compensation you may be eligible to receive.
  • Premises Liability – Serious injuries can be caused by a property owner’s failure to keep the property in a safe condition for persons who use the property. When these serious injuries could have been prevented through improved property maintenance, such as more adequate signage or thorough landscaping, our team can help you determine if you should receive full compensation for your injuries.

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